Saturday, May 9, 2009

I'm Still Here... (sort of)

Things I'm doing instead of blogging or reading:
  • enjoying a dance recital (and rehearsal all morning)
  • visiting grandparents who live three hours away
  • going to first one barbecue, then another
  • getting family pictures taken
  • planting some tomatoes
  • juggling our June schedule to try to fit in a cruise! (swine flu=rerouting=low fares=not-to-be-missed opportunity!)
  • not sleeping and therefore being too tired to read, or think what to write
  • buying American Idol tickets!!!
  • scanning pictures
  • figuring out Mother's Day
  • working, cleaning, driving, washing, buying, making, stressing......

Hopefully I'll be back to my regularly scheduled blogging and reading soon.


  1. It can be frustrating sometimes when life gets in the way of reading, huh?

    Sounds like you are taking advantage of wonderful memories -- and that should be a priority in life.

    We will be here ready to read your reviews - when you find the time to post them.

    In the mean time....good luck with booking that cruise!!!!!

  2. Sounds like you are leading quite the full life right now! Hope you find time to return to blogging soon!

    Good luck with booking a cruise!

  3. I have been on hiatus as well! Hopefully I will get to reading again and blogging soon!

  4. I know what you mean...I was doing social stuff all weekend. Tried to read on the subway, but met 2 friendly young people and we chatted during the whole trip.

  5. What a busy girl you are! Well, have fun. We'll still be here when you return.
