Thursday, April 9, 2009

Weekly Geeks 2009.13: Be a Kid!

Even though I did one part of Weekly Geeks already (Be a Poet!) I wanted to do the other part also: Be a Kid!

This calls for another Top Ten from me, I'm thinking.

Suey's Top Ten Childhood Favorites: Picture Books


  1. That's a great list. The real fun thing is that I read a good portion of them to my children now. :)

  2. I totally agree with you except I was all for Mr. Pine's Purple House and I never could stand Curious George but would have read the Poky Little Puppy over and over instead!

    I never heard of Alexander when I was a kid but I've certainly enjoyed reading it to my own kids!

    Great choices!

  3. I LOVE 2 of those, but rest are SO OLD!!! :P

  4. Melissa: It's cool that picture books last from generation to generation, huh.

    Nicola: I'm not totally sure Alexander was one I read as a kid... but I know I knew of it before I had my own kids.. so I think so. I actually looked up the publication date, and it works for my knowing about it as a kid. So. I added it.

    Hmmm... Mr. Pine's Purple House?!! I missed that one.

    Julie: WHICH two did you love? And you know... some of these were OLD already when I was a kid! :) Make Way for Ducklings won the Caldecott in the 40s or so, for instance!

  5. Five Chinese Brothers is one of my all-time favorite kids books too! I saw that cover and just "ah-ha" moment!

  6. I have Make Way for Ducklings, and Where the Wild Things Are. Still can't read to Patrick (nearly 2) without him making off with the book.
    Happy Weekly Geeks

  7. I remember Mr Pine's Mixed Up Signs! Well I didn't until I saw your post but then it all came back.

  8. Wow, what a memory jolt. All of these are dear old favorites to me, except for the five Chinese Brothers and Mr. Pine's Mixed up Signs. Never heard of those two!

  9. My dad used to read to my grade school class. My favorites were Ferdinand the bull and Tikki tikki tembo.

  10. Aww.. I completely forgot about Curious George AND Clifford when I made my list!

  11. The 5 Chinese Brothers was my favorite in first and second grade.
