Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Sunday Salon: This and That

Not much to report on the reading front. Today I'm concentrating on Elantris by Brandon Sanderson. It's my book club book for this month. (Which, BTW, if any of my book club buddies are reading this, we will have to figure out a different day or time to meet this month since we have a major conflict. I hate conflicts!) But, I'm enjoying it so far. Quite a complicated story really.

This past week, I completed two challenges! Yippee. But one of them is just starting right back up again (the YA Romance Challenge) which you know I'll still do, and to fill the space left by the other one (the Lit Flicks Challenge), I'm going to try the next installment of the Classics Challenge. I didn't do so well with that one last time, but I'd love to try again! Stay tuned for my official list on that.

Bookword Game voting going on now at An Adventure in Reading!

I did a little with The Blog Improvement Project this week, but not enough for it's own post. Just a smattering of puttering around my page.

I only read five books in February. It's been awhile since it's been that low. I won't make it to 100 books this year if that keeps up! So, hopefully March will see a bit of an improvement!

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