Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sorry, No Blog Post Today!

Today, there's going to be no blog post. I've hit a wall. I'm out of ideas. Even the weekly memes aren't helping.

Nothing came in my mailbox, so I can't do Mailbox Monday.

And I do my book musings on Thursday with Booking Through, so I don't Muse on Monday... too much musing if I did both maybe? I don't know.

My "currently reading" book is the same as last Tuesday, so it would be boring to Teaser Tuesday on it again.

Where in the world am I? Elantris.... which means nothing unless you happen to be reading the same book as me.

And it's Raidergirl's turn for The Bookword Game this week, so that's not for me to worry about right now.

I can't think of a good social issue to promote for Weekly Geeks this week. I don't think that deep. Besides, they all seem awfully political or religious, which I have a policy against here on the blog!

And Blog Improvement is about social networking, which makes my head spin and gets me all flustered, so I'm scared to look into that one too.

I could jump the gun and post a Midweek Morsel today instead of tomorrow, but no, I'll stick with the program.

And I'm all caught up with reviews!

Which leaves me with nothing today. You know the feeling maybe?

So, I'm off to watch Idol and read Elantris. Maybe I'll have something tomorrow. 'Till then!


  1. I have no idea what to leave for a comment. :)

  2. Have a look at my blog: I'm out of ideas too. I also avoid the political on my blog so no Weekly Geeks for me!

  3. What?! I seriously have 30 posts in my draft folder and 10 books waiting for me to review. If only I had that problem. Sigh . . . actually I think Taylor would love it if I had that problem! And it's funny because I don't participate in any memes. I really need to take a break! I do feel a burn out coming.

    And for Weekly Geeks (which I don't have time for this week *I think*) I would have blogged about Darfur. There are a lot of social issues out there that are not political or religious to talk about.

  4. So, Elantris ... are you in the "city of death" yet?! I can't wait to see what you think of this book. It took me about a third of the book to really get into the story, to get to the point where it made sense, but then I really, really enjoyed it.

  5. Why not mention a book you read before you started blogging? I do this when I've nothing else to blog about. It can be fun to see how much you recall of an old favorite.

  6. Raidergirl: A comment's a comment! :)

    Chris: You blog's looking great. You've had some pretty good excuses for not being in the blogging mood lately though. :(

    Maw Books: Just reading your blog burns me out! I don't know how you do it! (I should have mentioned on my list that I have no pending interviews! Ha! It makes me laugh!)
    And I'm still pondering my issue of choice to blog about. Maybe I'll still figure out something.

    Heather J: Yes, Elantris. It took me a good 1/3 too. I'm nearing the end and am loving it!

    Jeane: Great idea! Next time, I'll remember that! :)

  7. I think that you should just give us an idol update! :) I have no idea what is going on!

  8. Serena: Well. So we've got nine of the final 12 now. Tomorrow is the wild card show and from those 8 (picked by the judges) we'll get three more. So far I'm loving Danny, Scott and Adam. Jorge and Anoop take a close second. I think Danny will take the whole thing. There. That's my official prediction! :)

  9. I have liked Elantris from the beginning...though I thought I wouldn't like it at all.

    Danny and Adam are two of my favorites too.

  10. Whoa! Surprise! And Bethany comes out of lurkdom to comment! :) I just spent the morning finishing Elantris. Wow. Wow wow. I'm glad you are liking it. Now... to figure out when we are doing book club this month!

  11. This was good!! =)
