Friday, March 6, 2009

One of Those Rambly Posts

I think it's been awhile since I did a ramble on post, so I'm giving myself permission to do another one today! (Unless you count The Sunday Salon posts, which can be a bit rambly, but in sort of a confined way, so I'm not counting them!) And my head is about as stuffed up as it can get, so this ramble on post could really make no sense at all.

I finished Elantris... Brandon Sanderson's very first book. Wow, what an imagination he has and what a world he can create! It blows me away. I'll do a review soon.

I'm stressed about figuring out when to hold my F2F book club this month. It conflicts with a bunch of stuff. And some of the days I can move it to are filled with author events! So, then I thought we could have a book club field trip. Coming to our area: Jodi Picoult and Laurie Halse Anderson. And Brandon Mull is throwing a HUGE release party for Fablehaven book four. We'll see what happens I guess.

There's been a fun note going around in Facebook about which of the BBC's Top 100 books have you read. I'm actually quite well-read according to this list, having read 63 of them. What a list of some great books this is! Many of them I'd like to go read again.

Have you read mental_floss magazine this month? It also has a fun list of "the most influential books." Many of them I've never heard of, so I guess they weren't that influential for me, but perhaps that's beside the point, huh?

I've watched a ton of TV this past week because for some reason there wasn't a whole lot of other stuff going on at our house. I loved the surprise on American Idol last night when they let through an extra person. Fun moment! (Just glad it wasn't Tatiana!) On Survivor, we have another home town boy to cheer for. The only problem is, I can't stand the dude (it's Tyson if you care) and can't wait for him to be voted off! Lost was intriguing as usual this week. Sawyer and Juliet? I might have to ponder that idea a bit. And Heroes had more interesting Sylar back story. I'm finding it fascinating to see how much I'm loving the villain! Weird. Oh, and don't forget Amazing Race. Which is... amazing... as always!

I bought some new clothes this week. It was a major accomplishment for me. Now I've just got to decide if I like them.

I brought home The Seeker to watch. Verdict on that one soon.

Okay. Long enough. Have a lovely weekend all you people!


  1. Wow, you are one well-read chick! I can't remember how many I scored, but I was surprised that they thought most people had probably read a whopping 6 books on the list. Not so amongst the book bloggers I know.

  2. You are so well read! What a cutie you are do I need to come down and do a fashion show with you. I'll convince you that you are me :)

  3. I am impressed by how well read you are! I guess I should go check out that list--the books I tend to read don't usually end up on those kind of lists. :)

    I second your thoughts on Idol--fun surprise at the end, and really glad it wasn't her! My husband kept saying if she made it, he wouldn't watch the show until she was gone. ;)

    My "men" (husband and two still at home sons) have really enjoyed watching the seeker--but take it for what it is, a t.v. show. My husband read the first book of the series the show is based on and he seemed to enjoy that also.

    Happy weekend!

  4. I liked the BBC list too but haven't read but about 35 of them. The list seems to be a list of things I should read one of these days.

    I have awarded you an I Love Your Blog award. (See my blog for details.) It's true I really do love your blog. I almost always read you although I don't always comment. Sorry. But I really like this rambling one. Lots of fun.

    -Margot @ Joyfully Retired

  5. I was really sad when I realized I missed the last two weeks of The Amazing Race. But I did figure out where they have them online. I'm all caught up now! Yay!
