Friday, February 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Josh Groban!

Yes, it's his birthday today and you know I can't let it go by un-noticed, because of course, what a perfect opportunity for me to once again, shout out about my fanaticism! :)

So I've decided to see if any of you are Josh fans, and share a "name that Josh tune" video I did nearly two years ago, set to some fun pictures taken by either me or my husband.

Let me know if you can name any songs. Or if you can't which one jumps out at you as a possible favorite.

And Happy Birthday Josh! Here's to many many more singing years!


  1. Happy birthday Josh! I don't listen to him much on my own, but I do hear him on the satellite radio from time to time and take a listen.

    I knew you couldn't resist shouting out his birthday

  2. I'm not a fanatic, but I like his music. Whenever I hear his songs I tell my husband, "That's Josh Groban" and every single time without fail he says, "Who?" :)

  3. Serena, I almost didn't, but then, I had to.

    Alyce, husbands have a "thing" about him, that's for sure.

  4. I LOOOOOOVE Josh Groban :-) Fortunately my husband understands.

  5. Yeah Melissa! I'm glad someone out there feels the same way... LOOOOOVE! :) And that's very cool that you husband gets it.

  6. haha, yeah, I don't know the names of any of his songs! I think my knowledge extends to hearing him on the radio and knowing that it is him... He does have an amazing voice, though!

  7. Hi Suey. I just found your blog. It's great. Thanks for all you put into it.

    I, too, LOVE Josh Groban's music.

    From your video:
    l.Un Gorno per Noi
    2.Remember When It Rained(J.Groban)
    3.Awake (J. Groban)
    4.My Confession
    5.In Her Eyes
    6.You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)
    7.To Where You Are
    9.Canto alla Vita
    10.Josh @ drums for Canto alla Vita
    11.Let Me Fall (Cirque du Soleil)
    12.Remember (Troy soundtrack)

  8. Hey Lori. Thanks for dropping by. I love to hear from fellow Josh Groban fans. And you KNOW you got all the songs right! :)
