Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Sunday Salon: Secret Santa Present Arrives!

I'm sure you all are sick of hearing how busy our Sunday's are and how I moan my Sunday reading time. But it's the same story today. Maybe it's a December/Christmas thing and will calm down soon? Anyway, today, instead of reading, I'll be:
  • going to church, of course
  • fixing, eating and cleaning up dinner, of course
  • supervising the putting together a science fair poster
  • helping with the typing up of a Cuba report
  • hosting the HT's and the VT's (some of you will get that)
  • printing, signing and stuffing Christmas cards
  • watching the Survivor finale and reunion show
  • hoping to watch To Kill a Mockingbird that I checked out from the library
  • preparing a church lesson for seven year olds
I think that's the majority of the things on today's to do list. I did get some reading in this morning. I picked up The Moon Below by Barbara Bickmore this week as it's on my TBR list for the year. It's going okay, yet I'm still wondering if I'll bag it for something smaller and quicker... especially if I really want to try to get to the 100 mark by years end. I don't know. Maybe I don't really care, so we'll see.
Oh, and look what I got in the mail yesterday:

YAY! Fun stuff. I debated opening or saving. I guess saving won... at least for now.

Thank you to Ruthie of Ruthie's Book Reviews! I'll be sure to post the unveiling when it happens!


The Mr: I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak. I'm nervous for his analysis of this once he's done!
Bud: He recently finished Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl.
JJ: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Do you think my love for this author is finally getting through to the family?
Moder: He just finished H.I.V.E. by Mark Walden
Toto: Just started Dark Whisperers by Bruce Coville... the continuation of the unicorn series.
Happy Reading to you all. Enjoy the day.


  1. I admire your willpower! I couldn't resist opening mine. Can't wait to hear all about what's inside those pretty wrappings :)

  2. Looks like you've got a full Sunday. HT and VT didn't slip past me.

  3. You are so patient to wait to open your present! I've really been enjoying seeing what everyone gets.

  4. I gave in and finally opened my Secret Santa gift. :-) I didn't get as much reading done today as I had hoped either. Hopefully next weekend . . . Have a great week!

  5. Well, there's always the high possibility that I change my mind and open them sooner! The kids sure are curious about what's in them, that's for sure.

    As for reading yesterday, I decided to pick up Sweethearts by Sara Zarr for something to read fast. I was hooked instantly and can't wait for a moment to read more today.

  6. I tried to hold mine till Christmas, but I just couldn't wait. They look really pretty, those little packages.

  7. I found a kindred spirit. I am also waiting until christmas to open mine from the secret santa.

    I also wanted to say I have that same bookmark..though mine is in red.

  8. I'll be looking for the unveiling of the gifts! I hope you enjoy them as much I did picking them out! :D Have a great Christmas!

    PS You had more willpower than I do. I've already opened mine! lol
