Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Sunday Salon: Let's Decorate!

My plans for this Sunday do not include much reading, which has been the story of the whole weekend. Busy, busy, busy is the theme. However, since I knew this was going to be crazy day, I did my normal morning bed reading for quite awhile and put away quite a chunk of To Kill a Mockingbird. What a cute fun story this is so far! Yes, I know, I've read it before... but that was years ago and I don't remember much except I liked it. And I know things are going to start to get a bit ugly in the story that's still to come, but so far, it's been very cute. You gotta love that Scout! She is the best, is she not?!

My lazy Sunday morning reading will be coming to an end in a few weeks since our church schedule will change from late to early, so I have to enjoy it while I can. But that will be okay, because then there will be time for afternoon readin'!

So why is today going to be so crazy you may wonder? Well, we've now had a whole week of December and our tree is still not up. So the task of the day is to get it up and decorated, after church and dinner. I'm inviting you all to come and join us! Yes, I'll be trying to record every moment to share as my Advent post this coming Saturday! So be sure to come back and check that out and be part of our tree traditions!

So, I guess that's all for this Sunday Salon post. My reading as been pretty sparse this past week, and I expect it to be again this coming week. It is crazy December after all and I'm finding that my little bitty job that takes away three mornings a week is causing grief in my ability to get everything done that needs doing. Nothing to report on "what the family is reading" either since everyone is still on the same book as last week! Except JJ who has decided to concentrate on The Book Thief finally. Yeah for that!


  1. I am not fitting in as much reading as I hoped this weekend. I am glad you were able to get in some morning reading at least!

    I read To Kill A Mockingbird so many years ago. I should probably reread it one of these days.

    I should get my tree up today, but I am not in the mood to do so. It may never get up at this rate. I'm such a Grinch this year.

    I hope you have a great week!

  2. I have some tours coming up this week, so I can't be lazy! LOL

    We actually put up the decorations and the tree right after Thanksgiving, which is unusual for us.

  3. I just watched To Kill a Mockingbird on TV last night and it made me want to pick up the book again. :)

  4. I can't remember all that much about To Kill a Mockingbird either. I'm almost positive that I've read it twice though, once as an assigned read in high school and once before that on my own. Can you take a wild guess which time I liked reading it more lol?

    I finally have done all the decorating that I plan on doing. Now on to the getting ready to bake...

  5. We decorated Sunday as well!! I don't know if I've ever told you, I'm sure I did as I'm only 27 (for a few more weeks) and I'm losing my mind, but I love visiting your blog! Especially because I love to see the new song videos!! Thank you for doing that!

  6. Hey LF... I hope you get in the mood soon. I hate it when that Gringe feeling hits.

    Serena... Good luck on all the tours!

    Scobberlotcher... thanks for dropping by! I'm checking out the video of To Kill a Mockingbird from the library tomorrow. I hope to show clips at my book club next week.

    LadyTink... what kind of stuff will you be baking?

    Kristina... I'm so glad you enjoy the songs! I don't change it very often because I'm assuming no one notices... but I'll have to do it more often, just for you! :)
