Thursday, December 4, 2008

BTT: 5 for Favorites

Booking Through Thursday

1. Do you have a favorite author?
2. Have you read everything he or she has written?
3. Did you LIKE everything?
4. How about a least favorite author?
5. An author you wanted to like, but didn’t?

Oh, boy. Don't I love to talk about authors....

The short answers:

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. No.
5. Yes.

The long ones:

1. Yes. I have several favorites. Markus Zusak, John Green, Jane Austen, Christopher Paolini, Stephenie Meyer, Shannon Hale, Brandon Sanderson, Orson Scott Card.... just to name the first few that pop into my head here.

2. Yes. I've read everything they've written. Except there's one by Markus Zusak that's impossible to find. I might be missing one of Jane Austen's still. And Brandon Sanderson I'm still getting started on, so I have a few left to go by him. And Orson Scott Card... I've read A LOT, but not all... sheesh, he's written tons!

3. Yes, pretty much I've liked everything! There's few of OSC's that I would rank below some of his others, but yes, I like it all.

4. No, there's not an author that stands out as a least favorite. Maybe some of those "harder" classics guys like Ernest Hemingway, or Melville, or Henry James, etc. But still, they aren't so bad either.

5. I'm wanting to like Neil Gaiman. He's still growing on me. I haven't given him a whole lot of chances yet though either, so there's hope.


  1. I did choose Hemingway for #4. Please visit to see my answers.

  2. I'm having the same experience with Neil Gaiman. I've only read Coraline so far - and I liked it, but I didn't love it. I guess I should try another of his books and see how it goes. He certainly has a devoted group of fans.

  3. I very nearly went for the short version with my answers like you started out doing. LOL

  4. I haven't gotten to my Neil Gaiman yet, but I will some day. He's one of those new-to-me authors.

  5. Gaiman is ok. Its Hemingway I can't read. And Coelho, I hate.
