Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Seven Bookish Facts

Since I'm still struggling with blog ideas, and since Ladytink has encouraged me to do it, I guess I'll just go ahead with the Seven Book Facts About Me meme, that is if I can think of any! I know you're all thrilled!

1. One of my favorite things about books is their smell, both old and new books. And have you ever noticed they all have a unique one? But now and then I'll happen upon one that's kind of stinky.

2. I hate it when a book gets all beat up, yet at the same time, the look of well-worn, well-loved book is quite pleasing too.

3. When I was a kid, I loved to play library. I set up a counter in the doorway of my room and made my brothers come check out books.

4. Another thing we loved to play was Boxcar Children. Oh, we had a blast with that one!

5. Remember the scene in Sabrina (the Harrison Ford movie) where you see Sabrina's dad's apartment? And there are books stacked everywhere? I loved that! And my room is starting to look a little like it!

6. I used to hide the fact that I loved reading and books. I'm glad to not be doing that anymore!

7. I wish I would have kept a book journal starting way back in elementary school. I would LOVE to be able to look over that and remember. Oh, well.

So there you go.... until next time.....


  1. I wish I'd kept a book journal earlier, too. And I also love the way books smell. Sometimes I'm reading a book and it reminds me of another one that's entirely different and then I realize they have the same distinct odor of paper and ink and bookbinding glue...

  2. Like you and Jeane, I wish I'd started keeping a reading journal earlier. It would have been interesting to see how my reading changed over the years.

  3. Yay! Glad you did it!

    I'm not too wild about the smell of old books but I LOVE new book smell. Hubby makes fun of me about it lol. I knew how a lot of people felt about books but I never really cared. Despite the fact that I always carried a book in my purse I was actually somewhat popular in high school lol. Of course, I was reading things like Anne Rice and Stephen King back then...

    Oh I wish I would have kept a book journal too! Every once and a while I'll remember books I read when I was a kid and I want to track them down for a re-read but can't remember the title or something like that :(

  4. If you're ever really searching for a title, try going over to LibraryThing. They have group forums and one is called Name That Book. You tell what you can remember of it, and other readers (or librarians) comment if they know the title. It's great. I've rediscovered some old favorites this way.

  5. I love to smell books! And you're right, once in awhile there comes a stinky one! I don't know what it is about the smell of a book. I think it's rather comforting.

    Diary of an Eccentric

  6. Interesting how we're all aware of the book smell.

    Jeane, I'll keep that Libary Thing forum in mind if I'm ever stumped about a book title. Sounds great.

  7. I started a book journal for my girls where I have written down each chapter book we have read together. Now my seven year old adds her own chapter books she reads to herself so those are interspersed among the list we read together (they are easy to tell since they are in her best first grade writing). I think it would be so interesting to go back and look at what I read or had read to me as a child. Hopefully my girls will like looking back at their journal someday.

  8. It would be wonderful to have a record of early reads. I tried to log my son's, one year, but he reads so fast I couldn't keep up with him.
