Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Weekly Geeks #14: Pictures

The assignment for Weekly Geeks #14 is to post bookish pictures. It seems like I did this already not too long ago. There I posted my libraries, reading spots and crazy bookshelves and stacks.

So I've got to think of another take on the theme this go around. I tried to do a montage of my TBR as listed on Goodreads, I couldn't make it work.

So now how about my home dream library? Here's a few pictures of ones I really liked, found through Google Images:

I like the cozy feel. Some of the pictures I found are big spacious rooms, which is cool. But I like cozy better.


  1. Ooo, I like the one with the sectional. I like to lounge when I read. Ah, dreams...

  2. Yeah, I like the shelves of the top one and the couch of the bottom one.

  3. Oooh, I like the bottom one. I could be very happy there. :)

  4. I like all of those, but my dream library is much grander in scale...sort of like the ones you would see in a wealthy mansion in England or wherever. With Walls and walls of book shelves from floor to ceiling...and then smack dab in the middle would be a chaise, couch, and recliner facing the windows that would take up one wall..

    naturally near the furniture would have to be those end tables and lamps with built-in book shelves...gotta keep the current reads handy!

  5. Nice photos. I like the top one- because the books are so tidy and the shelves cover the whole wall! and I like the last one with the windows that spill in light and hanging plants. That's a nice touch.

  6. Love the home libraries. I actually like the middle one -- the shelves are so interesting to look at.

  7. I like them all! My favourite though is the bottom one, which I think I am in the process of creating now! lol nice photos, Suey, that we can all drool over...

  8. The bottom photo is my favorite, I picture it in my mind as being a cozy log cabin in the forest. With a giant fireplace across from the sofa.
