Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Sunday Salon: Reading, Amazon, Church and Napping

It's been a weird week. The kids went back to school. I went to Education Week (self improvement classes at the university here,) we lost our bird and the next day we found our bird. And many other non-routine things.

And through it all, I continued to work on The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.... finally finishing it on Friday evening, I think it was. Sheesh... that book took me nearly two weeks to read. It's not that I wasn't enjoying it. I was. But it was just plain slow-going. I'd read and read and read and it would seem that bookmark wasn't moving very far along at all.

But I did finish it! YES! A book I've been meaning to read for years and years! Look for a little review very very soon.

So today what did I read? My favorite part of Sunday reading is waking up and reading for an hour or sometimes two, in the morning, before the rush of getting read for church begins. (Currently, church doesn't start until the afternoon.) So, I started reading House and Home by Kathleen McCleary. She's stopping here on her blog tour in a couple of weeks, so I needed to get get going on it. It's been a very enjoyable, easy read so far, perfect for a lazy Sunday morning.

Once the day begin, I was informed by the official Nerdfighter in our house that today we had to order Paper Towns by John Green from Amazon. (That's because today is John's birthday and for a secret project, his brother Hank is asking all the Nerdfighters to order his book so as to rise him to best selling status this very today on his birthday for a wonderful cool birthday present. See... I told you we are addicted to the Vlogbrothers and Nerdfighterdom. If all this jibberish makes no sense to you... disregard... it mattereth not!)

So... then... in order to get free super saving shipping, I had to figure out what else to order of course. That ended up being Rapunzel's Revenge by Shannon Hale. FUN! But neither one will come until the end of October when Paper Towns is actually released.

Then we went to church. Then we made an absolute mess of the kitchen making dinner. Then we cleaned up the mess. Then I had a nap that was absolute heaven. Then I read some more House and Home. The bookmark is flying through that one!

Which brings us up to this very moment of blogging about my Sunday reading. I hope you're all having a similar lovely Sunday of reading, napping and family.

(Click here to learn more about The Sunday Salon.)


  1. Sunday newspaper, church, napping...I love Sundays!

  2. I think one of the great unsung decadent luxuries is reading over breakfast when normally you have to gulp something down and rush off to work. I love it!

  3. I am glad you ended up finding your bird!

    I am reading a thick book that is slow going right now like you found Chabon's book. I am enjoying it though so I will perservere!

    I hope you have a great week!

  4. I'm planning on getting to the Chabon book today. Now I'm wondering if I made the right choice. ;)

    But first a nap. It sounds like I need to be awake for this one.

  5. I really liked Kavalier and Clay and was actually sad that I finished it so quickly. I still have to pick up the Yiddish Policemen's Union and see if it lives up to Kavalier and Clay. =)
