Thursday, April 24, 2008

Gotta Problem With That?

When my 18 year old son came home from school today and caught me vacuuming, he said:

"Let me guess... book club tonight?"

"Yeah... so... gotta problem with that?" I said.

So what if he's right.

Clean house or not, I think I better strike up a fire 'cause it's snowing like crazy outside! Did someone say it was spring today?


  1. Right when you think it's safe to put away the winter clothes, you look outside and it looks like a blizzard. Sigh . . . I so want it to stay warm.

  2. wow snow...that is crazy!

    Don't forget today is the last day for part two of the poetry book contest on my blog.

  3. I'm so glad my book club meets at the library. So what book did you discuss and were the refreshments yummy? You don't have to provide a clean house and the treats, do you?

  4. Ha! Whenever I'm doing a hated cleaning chore, my husband always asks if my mother is coming.

  5. LOL We clean every weekend, though we only have an apartment, so I guess that is not as tiresome. :)

    The third round of the National Poetry Contest is up on Savvy Verse & Wit, if you would like to enter again. This has been fun.

  6. Booklogged, We talked about 1776, but most of us hadn't managed to read it. Not in the mood I guess. And the refreshments were banana chocolate chip bread, and some other wonderful chocolate-y amazingly yummy thing that one of my friends brought... oh and peanuts!

    This book club is always at my house, which I'm totally happy with. And I do some sort of simple treat every time, but lately, others have been bringing stuff too as the mood hits them. We are a very laid back kind of book club!
