Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Couple of Reviews

Wow, I'm neglecting this blog! I guess Thanksgiving got in the way and now, instead of writing something, I'm trying to catch up on all of yours! Besides which, I should be doing Christmasy type stuff now too, and not spending quite so much time computering.

Anyway, I guess it's about time for another couple of reviews... very small and quick ones!

Book: Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale

Rating: A

Genre: YA Fantasy

Shannon Hale... you've done it again! Of course I loved it! This one is another re-done fairy tale, one I'm not familliar with at all, about a lady and her maid who are shut up in a tower for what's supposed to be 7 years, because the lady refuses to marry this awful mean monster-of-a-guy. The maid decides to keep a journal of their experiences, thus we have the book of a thousand days! What a strong, wonderful character this maid is too! So, yes, I loved the book. Read it!

Book: Like Water for Chocoate by Laura Esquivel

Rating: B+

Genre: Adult Lit. Fiction

I finally can cross another one off my "Something About Me" Challenge list! This book was a quick and fairly easy read, but not one of my favorites I'll have to say! Very strange stuff going on here. Reminded me of "A Hundred Years of Solitude" only much less completicated. All that magic realism going on! But, in the end, I enjoyed it still!


  1. i couldn't get into the 100 years of solitude either.

    These books sound interesting. I may have to check them out.

  2. "Like Water for Chocolate" was something like "A Hundred Years of Solitude" except there is more food, I'd say. I liked it better.

  3. I sure can't picture myself making any of that food though. Some of it was pretty "out there".
