Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Author Blogs

I may be a bit slow, but I'm just now discovering some great author blogs! I love 'em! It's so fun to read about their normal lives and their writing processes and their journey through the publishing world. I'm learning that for me, the love of reading isn't just about the books themselves, but about the authors behind the books. I find it fascinating to compare the style of different authors and once I find a style I love, then to go out and read every book by that author. I think we're all that way. But having this added dimension of reading their blogs really adds to all that. I love it!

So what are some fun author blogs that you all have discovered? I've just recently added Meg Cabot and Scott Westerfeld to my line up. I've been reading Shannon Hale's for awhile, and Colleen Gleason's a bit.

So who else do I need to get added to my blog pile and start reading?


  1. I took one look at Neil Gaiman's blog and decided to never go back. He's so funny and charming, I knew I could spend all day reading his and other author blogs and I'm bad enough with regular lit-bloggers!

  2. I'm so delighted you've been by my blog! I'm also glad you enjoyed my book.

    I like Meg Cabot's blog as well--she's a stitch, and she has so much insight.

    Kookiejar, I know what you mean about addicting blogs. It's one thing I have to watch out for too.

  3. Yeah, Neil Gaiman's and Colleen Gleason's are on the top of my list. I did visit PC Cast's after I read her book, and she actually come over to my blog and read my review. I thought that was pretty cool!!

  4. The only author blog I've ever been to is Alison Bechdel's, but I was going to say I've heard Neil Gaiman's was great, and then I saw kookiejar's comment!

  5. Well, I think I'll be adding Neil Gaiman's to the list! And just maybe I better read one of his books, do you think?

    Hey, thanks for visitng Colleen! Cool!

  6. I read a LOT of authors' blogs. Joshilyn Jackson has a fantastic one. Tess Gerritsen. Rachel Vincent. And a million of the e-published authors; all are better than the next. There are also some very good up-and-coming authors with fun blogs, too.

    The best way to find them, I've found, is to start out at a blog you like, and raid their sidebar. Add any of the ones you think you'd like to your reader and then decide later on, when you've gotten a better feel for them.
