Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Little ChitChat on Recent Books I've Read (in other words... not really a review)

I have actually finished a few books in the last couple days. Here's what I thought:

So Many Books, So Little Time by Sara Nelson. I really like books about books, but this one was just okay for me. I don't know why really, just that she had a funny attitude or something. Some chapters I agreed with her quite a bit and others I just didn't get. Anyway, I've heard about this book for so long, it's nice to have finally read it. I have some other books about books in line, so I'm curious to see what my reaction will be for them. Rating: B+

If You Can Talk, You Can Write by Joel Saltzman. I just randomly found this book at the library sale and so grabbed it up. I've just been reading it here and there over the last couple of months, and really enjoyed it. It's quite the blunt pep talk for getting in gear and writing, no excuses accepted! Rating: A

The Prism Moon by Martine Leavitt. The 2nd in the little fantasy series that I've been working on. I enjoyed the book, but it was a little "out there", just enough that I didn't understand it fully, I don't think. Rating: B+

Teen Idol by Meg Cabot. I don't know... there's just something about Meg Cabot that grabs me. I really enjoy her teen books and get sucked in until I'm done. This one was about a girl at school that is everyone's friend, and she is able to smooth over everyone's problems. But then a teen heart throb comes to do research for a movie part at their school, and makes her look at things in a different way. I got a kick out of it! Rating: A

Books I'm working on:

Restoration by Rose Tremain. This one is for the Historical Fiction group. But so far, I'm not too excited about it. A couple or three chapters in and it just seems to be about an obnoxious dude that I'm not really liking too much. Hmmm... I hope to give it more of a chance, but we'll see.

Possession by A.S. Byatt. This one is taking quite a bit of concentration, which, sometimes lately, I can't seem to find! But I will NOT give up on this one and will finish!

I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak. I just got this one from the library after waiting in quite a hold line, so I'm going to read it fast and let it go to the next one. So far, I'm quite shocked at the language in it... especially for a book in the teen section. Sheesh. I'll not be letting my daughter read it anytime soon. Anyway, so far I liked The Book Thief much better, but then again, I just barely started this one, so we'll see what I think by the end!

All-American Girl by Meg Cabot. Yes, another one. That's because JJ checked out both of these books recently and so they are sitting there, and so... I read them! Not liking this one as good as Teen Idol though.... but still lots of fun.

End of chitchat for today!

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