Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Min-Review: Papa Married a Mormon by John D. Fitzgerald

Book: Papa Married a Mormon by John D. Fitzgerald
Rating: A
Genre: Biography
Many of you may be familiar with this author's "Great Brain" books, based on the crazy things his brother dreamed up to do. But this book is the non-fiction, but very novel-like story, of his parents. They lived in a small town in Utah with one part of the town being Mormon and the other being saloon-going, card-playing silver (and later coal) miners. It's about how these two parts of the town learn to get along, and in the end, how the two families merge their religious beliefs and also get along. I LOVED it! It was so well-written and interesting, with some fantastic stories. And yes, once again..... I cried at the end!

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