Friday, May 4, 2007

My "Something About Me" Book List

I've finally come up with the following books for the Something About Me Challenge. Not easy! I always struggle with deciding whether to pick books I’ve read already, or picking ones I WANT to read... so I did a little of both.

My List of "Something About Me" Books:

The Quilter's Apprentice by Jennifer Chiaverini. My other consuming hobby, after reading, is quilting. I’m not very good at it, but it sure is fun to do! This book is the first in a series called The Elm Creek Quilters Series, and my friend seems to love them, so I’ve been wanting to give them a try.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. No one else has listed this book yet have they? I admit, I’ve been swept up (or should I say sucked into? LOL!) in the whole Twilight books thing! I love them! I love teen romance stories! I love Stephenie’s style! I hope to write like her some day. (In my dreams...) I’m also finding that I’ve been increasingly attracted to the whole vampire genre and I’m really anxious to read some more books like this.

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. I couldn’t list books about me without some kind of Victorian era classic. It’s truly my favorite genre. I picked this one because it’s about time I re-read it and because there’s just something about this one that gets to me. Something about doomed romance and haunted characters, and ghosts and all that good deep stuff.

Papa Married a Mormon by John D. Fitzgerald. Being from Utah, I find it funny that I’ve never read this book, written by the author of Great Brain fame. I’ve heard it’s wonderfully funny and that fans of the Little House series (I’m thinking that’s many of us) love it. It’s non-fiction but I think loosely based on his family stories.

The Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud. Twice a year, I run the book fair at the elementary school. Often, I’ll read some of the book fair books and then talk them up. Last time, after talking about several books, a student raised her hand and said, "Did you read anything that WASN’T fantasy?" I realized that I hadn’t! I love YA fantasy and so I’ve picked this one because it’s been on my list forever to get to and maybe this will help me to finally do it! (Yes I know I’m supposed to read the books on everyone else’ list, but I figured I could read stuff on mine too!)

Anyway, so there you have it! Hopefully these books say a little bit about me!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Some great books. It's really hard to pick books that represent you in some way! I've been trying, but failing miserably!! You are my inspiration to try to pick a few!
