Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Two Books Finished Today: A Modern Comedy AND Willowwood

I've been reading like crazy the last couple of days to finishe these two books as they are both due back at the library!

A Modern Comedy by John Galsworthy

This is the second trilogy in a trilogy of trilogies. Hopefully that makes sense! We read the first set, The Forsyte Saga, over at the Classic Books group, and I loved it! They've since read this second in the series, and plan on doing the third even, I think. I'm awfully behind, but finally made it through this one. Hopefully I can get my hands on the third one of these days too.

This second book I didn't like quite as much as the first, though I still enjoyed it. It doesn't cover quite so much time, only a period of four years or so, whereas the first one covered several generations. I was anxious for the encounter between Jon and Fleur, which I KNEW was coming, but it didn't happen until the very last section. So, that section flew by for me, since I was so curious to know what they'd do! What a tangled web they've got themselves in, that Jon and Fleur!

In the first two sections, there was quite a bit of political talk which I could do without, though the historical aspect it kind of fun.

Overall, it was very enjoyable and I look forward to the next one!

Willowwood by Mollie Hardwick

As mentioned in a previous post, I randomly picked this book from the large print section. True to its claim, it was quite the nice and soothing Victorian romance, complete with dashing hero, a damsel in distress, and a sinister stranger. Perfect for fluff which I totally loved.

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