Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Reading on a Cruise

A beautiful Pacific Ocean sunset taken through the window of our dining room on the boat.

Yes, I've been gone a week. We went on a cruise for spring break, even taking all the kids. I stressed about what book/books to take, as many of us readers do. I ended up taking three, beceause you just never knew what mood you'll be in. I took:

American Gods by Neil Gaiman, because I've been wanting to read it FOREVER and thought maybe I'd get a chance to start it while on vacation

Rose Daughter by Robin McKinley, because I thought it would be an easy vacation read, not too much concentration involved, and a nice fun story besides.
The Lost City of Faar by D.J. MacHale, because my 12 year old son (known as Moder on my blogs) has been begging me to get caught up with him in this crazy fantasy series!

Can you guess how many I managed to read? ZERO!! In fact, I hardlyhad a chance to read at all and only managed about 50 pages of Rose Daughter. There was just too much to do on that boat! And when evening came, I was just too tired for reading!

Since I've been home and having my "recovery" days, I've managed to almost finish Rose Daughter.

So much for reading on a cruise! Maybe next time?

1 comment:

  1. Oh well....at least you had fun!! I always stress about what to take on vacation....books, I mean! That's the most important packing there is! This year we are going to be DRIVING to Orlando. That's about 17 hours. I'm sure I will be able to get some reading done then!
