Thursday, April 26, 2007

Booking Through Thursday: Seasonal Reading

Booking Through Thursday Question:

  1. Does what you read vary by the season? For instance, Do you read different kinds of books in the summer than the winter? I tend to want to read lighter stuff in the summer. However, I also like to read big fat books then too. I just want to read "fun" stuff in the summer.
  2. If so, do you break it down by genre, length of book, or...? Like I said, I like fat books in the summer and just for fun books. Funny though, because all the books I read are just for fun really. I don't really worry about connect reading to the holidays either. I just gotta read what I gotta read when I gotta read it!


  1. "I just gotta read what I gotta read when I gotta read it!"

    Isn't that the truth! :-)

  2. I agree with you and literary feline.
