Sunday, March 3, 2013

Currently: SICK DAY!

C  U  R  R  E  N  T  L  Y
(as written on Sunday afternoon)

Listening: my latest favorite Tiesto!

Eating: curry, that my husband just made for us since I'm taking a sick day today! Yum.

Loving: the time I spent with family yesterday, even though it had to be at the funeral of a most beloved great uncle.... my grandma's brother. He was an awesome guy and we are going to miss him, even though we didn't see him often. He will go down as a legend in the family. He went way before his time, stupid cancer.

Reading: I devoured The Runaway King this week! And now I'm back to trying to catch up with the Vanity Fair read along.

Feeling: stuffy, headachy, coghy, croupy, and etc. I guess it's my turn, since it really has been awhile.

Watching: I watched (went to) Shrek, The Musical this week! It was fun and cute and amazing costumes. I also watched Survivor and am trying to catch up with Parenthood and Revenge. Catching up on TV shows is a never ending endeavor I think.

Wanting: to figure out how to watch things and read things at the same time, so I can catch up on everything while I lay around today being sick. Because you know, I can't just be sick, I have to DO STUFF!

 Thinking: that taking a sick day and reading in bed all day long is not as great as it sounds, actually.

Exercising:  I walked once! Better than nothing, right? Please say right.


  1. Walking is good trust me, I've been in bed with a kidney infection and done nowt. You're fitness god in comparison! :P

    Hope your better soon.

    1. Beth dean: A fitness god! That'll be the day! :)

  2. Yucky! Sorry that it finally "got ya"...on the other hand, taking time for 'taking care of yourself' is never a bad thing. Get well soon!!

    1. Inside: I had to give myself a big talk that it was okay to lay in bed all day. Seriously.

  3. Right! (Most definitely!) Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Gayle: I feel like this could one of those ones where you cough for weeks. Yay. Ugh.

  4. I hope you get to feeling better! the curry and the reading sound lovely.

    ~L (omphaloskepsis)

    1. L: I think we have developed an addiction to curry!

  5. Ooooh, I like this music, listening to while I'm reading and now commenting on your post...myself when I'm sick, I rarely read. I usually end up just watching stuff on Netflix. Lots of series catching up then. Hope you get better soon.

    1. Bryan: Oh, I'm so happy you clicked on the music and listened while reading! Awesome!

  6. My family is sick with a cold too. I hope I don't catch it!

  7. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Seems like EVERYONE has been sick in the last few months. So much crud going around. Feel better soon!

    1. Susan: I don't usually catch things, and I haven't been sick for SO long! But oh well, I guess it's my turn!

  8. I hope you get to feeling better soon!! It is never fun when you are feeling under the weather.

  9. Hope you get better soon. I always try to indulge myself with an audiobook when I'm sick - that and chicken noodle soup (Campbell's, which I'm sure probably isn't the right kind of old-fashioned cure-all chicken noodle soup but there never seems to be any of that kind already made when I get a cold!).



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