The other day
Trish from Love, Laughter and a Touch of Insanity decided it would be fun to have everyone document and then post about a typical day in their life. What a fun idea! Everyone is
linking up at her blog today and if you haven't already done it (documented your day), you can still go for it (and link up later.)
I decided to keep track of my day this past Monday, March 23. I knew it would be a fairly normal day which meant you could see what a "boring" day for me was like. If I would have done Wednesday of this week, you would have seen what a wild and crazy day was like! Sheesh.
Anyway, I kept track of what I did and took a few pictures. So, without further ado, I give you, a day in my life:
Monday, March 23 2015
6:24: I hear my daughter's alarm go off. She gets up. I look at my phone. Oops. I forgot to set my own alarm! Good thing I heard hers!
6:30 to 7:00: I read things on my phone while my daughter gets ready for school. It helps get my eyes awake. I go through Facebook, and Twitter. I post a "Happy Bloggiesta" with the Bloggiesta Twitter account. I'm hoping that people are excited and ready to start this week long event!
7:00: I get up and drive my daughter to school. We have a little car pool and pick up a neighborhood boy on the way. It takes about 25 minutes round trip. It's a dreary day. There's even a few sprinkles out there and we both look at each and say, "Wait. Rain?"
I often post pictures of the mountain when it's a clear
beautiful blue day. Here's what it looks like
on a not so clear day! |
Mika came out with me to take the mountain picture! |
7:25: Back at home, I crawl back into bed and look at my phone again. This is the time of day where I feel guilty and wish I stayed up and did... something. I don't know what. But no, I lay in bed and read things on my phone for 45 minutes. The kitty comes to cuddle with us.
8:15: I get up for real and get ready for work; shower, breakfast, the usual. On Mondays, my college son does not have school so this morning, I don't have to drag him out of bed and he sleeps in. My husband gets up and is getting ready for work with me.
Breakfast. Golden Grahams. The bottom of the bag
which I guess only moms can eat. |
8:50: I go to work. It's literally a three minute drive! My husband goes to work, it takes him about 20 minutes.
The library! |
9:00: WORK at the library! When I arrive I find that my first task of the day is to print a few hundred Spanish bookmarks for a Spanish outreach open house they are doing next week. So, for two hours I do that... using the copy machine and huge paper cutter.
I spend a lot of time in this little room. |
The massive paper cutter.
I'm always sore the next day. It's quite the work out. |
11:00: Now I print off a few hundred Spanish brochures so they can take those to the open house also. I might as well fold them too. It takes me another two hours until it's time to come home. It was a pretty low key day at work today. When I go outside, I can tell it's been raining.
Folding! |
Oh, I got these goodies in the mail too!
We plan to do a huge file organization project soon. :) |
All folded! 300 copies! |
The sky when I came home. Dreary! |
1:00: On my way home I get a text from my married daughter. They left their USB drive at our house and they need an assignment off it. As soon as I get home, I find that, pull it up and email it to her. My college son is up and getting ready for work. We touch bases for a bit, and talk about his concerns of the day. He goes to work. I make nachos for lunch which I eat at the computer. I also have a toast from the bread my son made the day before.
Homemade whole wheat bread
made by my 20 year old son! Awesome! |
I love nachos. With pepper jack cheese. |
2:00: The first Bloggiesta chat of the week starts. I'm leading the discussion about connecting to people! Very fun! Before I know it, the whole hour is over and we're done!
3:00: I work on some email that needed taken care of. There's a few that needed some thought and so it takes awhile.
3:35: My daughter gets home from school. The neighborhood boy's mom brings them home. I do mornings, she does afternoon. Sweet deal for me. Anyway, we touch bases. She starts homework. I stay on the computer.
4:00: I work on some of my own Bloggiesta To Do tasks and some general Bloggiesta stuff (like the recap post for the chat we just had!) Time flies.
Hey, look. It's my blog! |
I spend the whole afternoon and evening here.
Love my little home office! |
5:00: I wonder if I ever peed today. I take a bathroom break.
5:30: I do my nightly worryiing about dinner. Should I make something? Will anyone eat it if I do? Oh, I remember we have tons of leftovers from Sunday dinner. Whew! That's taken care of! I get off the computer anyway and take a break by cleaning up the kitchen and doing dishes.
I deem this kitchen CLEAN! :) |
6:00: Everyone else (husband and son) comes home from work. I ask my husband about buying a domain name. We look at the computer and the options for nearly an hour.
6:45: College son needs help with his French presentation on Flaubert and Zola. We work on that together. Outside, there's a thunderstorm! Wow! I love it! I open all the windows.
7:30: Son deems us done with the French homework. I decided to do some more Bloggiesta stuff.
8:30: Wow, I'm hungry! I fix myself leftovers. I putter around the house.
9:00: Back at the computer, I start writing my advice blog post. I'm not quite done when...
9:30: Married son and wife show up after their work. They hang out for awhile, we talk.
10:00: They head home and I finish and schedule my post. I'm tired. I'm sick of the computer.
10:15: I get ready for bed, lay down and READ!
11:50: My eyes won't stay open any longer. I turn off the lights.
12:30: I think I finally go to sleep.
And there you have it. A very typical and boring day, especially for Mon, Tues and Fri... the days I work. Wed and Thurs are crazy because I try to fit in too many things!
I can't wait to see what your days are all like!!