Friday, July 20, 2007

Review: Sixpence House by Paul Collins

Book: Sixpence House by Paul Collins
Genre: Non-fiction... a book about books!
Rating: A

Another book recently read that I loved! It had everything. Fun little book loving stories, writer thoughts and experiences, and tons of great glimpses of living in Britain.

The author, his wife, and their little boy decided to move to this small town on the border of Wales and England. The town has 1500 people, and 40 bookstores! Cool! They join life there while looking for a house, hoping to stay permanently, maybe even buying the Sixpence House. (Don't you love how all the houses have names here?)

Anyway, fun stories and observations that I totally devoured. Great stuff.

(This one read as part of my pre-Something About Me Challenge, and in memory of Nattie.)


  1. Sounds like a place I'd like to move to ;)

  2. Me too. I've got to read this. Sounds like a perfect book for these dog days.
